Gurbax Sahota

President & Chief Executive Officer, CALED
Executive Director, CA Academy For Economic Development

Gurbax Sahota是一位经验丰富的协会专业人士,他相信合作和建立有意义的伙伴关系的重要性和必要性,以实现创造健康的目标, wealthy communities. 她将这一信念转化为行动,汇集并领导多个组织,以帮助企业在澳门皇家堵场上线啦蓬勃发展. Gurbax holds senior positions with CALED, the California Academy for Economic Development, and the California Enterprise Development Authority. Gurbax is using her commitment to thoughtful leadership, knowledge of organizational studies, 以及她的沟通背景来完成这些组织的任务, to ensure their operations are thriving and sustainable, and to build a high-performance team at CALED.

As President & CEO of CALED, 她专注于建立战略伙伴关系,以促进经济发展的价值,并在州和地方层面为经济开发商创造更强的发言权. Additionally, 为所有三个组织筹集资金并创建可持续的财务实践, 她为CALED奠定了坚实的基础,因此澳门皇家堵场上线啦可以继续为全州的经济开发商提供服务和福利.

Having worked her way up through CALED, Gurbax has either worked on, created, 在过去16年多的时间里,他们在澳门皇家堵场上线啦大多数的成功中发挥了重要作用. Some of her direct achievements include:

  • 使澳门皇家堵场上线啦经济发展学院(学院)从其最低限度的角色——一个传递性的资助组织——转变为一个充满活力的非营利组织,积极承担支持教育的使命, 经济发展的研究和创新,以及实现学院董事会批准的目标的预算.
  • 通过建立和维护与战略商业伙伴的关系,促进澳门皇家堵场上线啦企业发展局(CEDA)的发展, 以及投资于合适的支持团队,以便在新的商业机会出现时利用它们, such as the development of CEDA’s Commercial PACE program.
  • 发起并实施有意义的出版物的创作,以支持澳门皇家堵场上线啦的经济发展, including:
    • Growing Thriving Rural Economic Development Corporations
    • Primer on California’s New Tax Increment Financing Tools
    • California Rural Infrastructure Financing Guide
  • Led the development & 推出澳门皇家堵场上线啦特有的经济发展认证——澳门皇家堵场上线啦经济开发商认证(ACE)
  • Developed & identified funding for the Academy’s Memorial Scholarship Fund program.
  • 促成了一个合作伙伴关系,以创建和分享经济发展为重点的季度澳门皇家堵场上线啦经济快照
  • 通过委员会立法行动政策,恢复了CALED的倡导作用, creation of a Legislative Action Committee, 并与一位知识渊博的倡导合作伙伴签订合同,制定了一种战略性和有效的方法,自她被任命为CALED首席执行官以来,已经取得了多项立法成功.

Gurbax建立关系的能力使CALED能够确保澳门皇家堵场上线啦的经济开发商在联邦政府中发挥作用, state and local levels. 她很高兴能成为CALED团队的一员,也是澳门皇家堵场上线啦经济发展网络的一员.

Helen Schaubmayer

Program Manager

As Program Manager, 海伦通过管理CALED和澳门皇家堵场上线啦经济发展学院的培训项目,如经济发展关键和高级经济发展研究所,以及澳门皇家堵场上线啦认证经济开发商(ACE)项目,为CALED团队做出了贡献. Additionally, she manages Webinar Wednesdays and the Outsmart Disaster campaign. Helen之前曾在一家大型科技公司任职,并在一家区域经济发展公司担任高级研究员,支持当地经济发展,她在当地非营利和私营部门的工作经验丰富.

Michelle Stephens

Program Director

Michelle is the Program Director for CALED and its affiliates. As the Program Director, 她是CALED的内部经济发展从业者,也是项目开发的负责人 & Finance (PD&F) Division. She also promotes CALED’s economic development finance tools through the California Enterprise Development Authority (CEDA) and its products; Industrial Development Bonds, 501c3 Non-Profit Financing, and the Bonds Assisting New Development (BAND) Program.

米歇尔在澳门皇家堵场上线啦大学戴维斯分校完成了本科学业,并获得了社区硕士学位 & Regional Planning at the University of Texas at Austin. 她曾是华盛顿特区国际经济发展委员会的成员,后来回到家乡澳门皇家堵场上线啦,致力于改善社区的经济机会.

Laura Cole-Rowe

Membership & Rural Exchange Coordinator

As the Membership & Rural Exchange Coordinator, Laura maintains CALED’s membership operations and outreach, serving as program lead for CALED’s Rural Exchange, and provides support to the CEO in key areas. 劳拉在当地经济发展方面拥有丰富的经验,曾担任执行董事和城市顾问, non-profit foundations and downtown associations for more than 30 years.

Patty Bailey

Office Administrative Coordinator

As the office assistant, Patty负责支持办公室的运作和行政,以确保CALED的成功, The Academy, and CEDA.  她还通过协助CALED的年度培训会议来帮助实现澳门皇家堵场上线啦的使命, maintaining vendor relationships, and, if you happen to visit us, hers will be the first smiling face you see. Patty拥有多年的客户服务经验,她在CALED使用这些技能来支持澳门皇家堵场上线啦的成员和员工.

Ian Gill

Database Coordinator

As Database Coordinator, Ian通过审查和维护该组织的数据库软件来支持CALED的经济发展计划, 他在哪些项目上提供帮助,包括会费计费和专业认证跟踪. Ian带来了来自各种非营利和私人艺术组织的经验, where he helped manage their information systems and steward their data.